Showing: Sean Baker  
Four Letter Words

Sean Baker’s feature debut is an acerbic, hilarious portrait of college-aged men unwilling to jettison the raucous immaturity of adolescence.

Sean Baker United States, 2000

Prince of Broadway

Staking out territory on the cold winter streets of midtown Manhattan, West African immigrant Lucky (Prince Adu) uses the gift of gab and a hustler’s shrewdness to peddle designer knockoffs for Lebanese store owner Levon (Karren Karagulian).

Sean Baker United States, 2008


In the sun-saturated San Fernando Valley, adult-film star Jane, a.k.a. Tess Steele (Dree Hemingway), hits the jackpot when she discovers several thousand dollars inside a thermos purchased at an elderly woman’s yard sale.

Sean Baker United States, 2012

Take Out

The American dream has rarely seemed so far away as in Sean Baker and Shih-Ching Tsou’s raw, vérité Take Out, an immersion in the life of an undocumented Chinese immigrant struggling to get by on the margins of post-9/11 New York City.

Sean Baker and Shih-Ching Tsou United States, 2004
DCP, Blu-ray